
Hello lovely readers!

Since July I’ve been running my site on a new schedule, in which I write my content a month in advance, and I’ve found that this is working out for me very well, given the random and sporadic nature of my frequent chronic migraines. For the last three months, I’ve managed to get all my content prepared on time… but it has also taken me the entire month to do it, and I haven’t had much time to dedicate to any other hobbies. I’m happy with how things are going, but at the same time, I feel I need to try to free a few things up from that monthly schedule, so that I can get back to other things I rely on for relaxing and down time, like reading (I haven’t been able to read any Simlit in over a year and I’d really like to be able to dedicate some time to that again!) and coloring.

For October, you won’t be seeing any noticable changes… except Teatime Tuesday has now moved to its own blog, Teatime Tuesday. So if you follow Teatime Tuesday and actually want to know who won the Harry Potter House Cup of Tea tomorrow, you’ll need to Follow at the new WordPress, and check it out there tomorrow! All the tea reviews have been moved there and deleted off this site. Pumpkinpalooza is all set to go at the new site! I felt this was the best course of action, as I love writing this segment and have no intention of quitting it, but it gets very low interest and views here; this way the tea reviews won’t be cluttering the Readers of Simmers who don’t care about that content, and (hopefully) they can find an audience that currently might be turned away by the big Sims 3 banner at the top of the page.

Starting in November, Photo Friday will be switching to a bi-weekly schedule. There will be two Photo Fridays in November (the 10th and 24th) and two in December (the 8th and 22nd). Starting in 2018, Photo Friday will be changing to a monthly segment… think of it like getting a new calendar image each month! These will debut the first Friday of each month. I love doing Photo Friday and appreciate how many people are enjoying them, but for what may seem like something quite “simple,” they are actually quite time-intensive! (CC-hunting, creating Sims, decorating the sets, photoshooting, etc.) The time it takes to produce them is just becoming a bit much for a weekly segment, which is why I think my best course of action, if I want to free some time to be able to persue some of my other hobbies, is to switch the segment from weekly to monthly.

Cat Chronicles will still be continuing on its weekly schedule; the first three Saturdays of the month (unless something comes up) will be Cat Chronicles chapters. Normally the last Saturday of the month is my story for the Short Story Challenge thread on the Sims forums; I have participated in the Short Story Challenge for two years straight, and have decided I am going to be more lax about that now. The last week of the month is going to be my “dark” week — consider it a week off for me to relax. If inspiration strikes, I may decide to write a short story, and these will still go up on the last Saturday of the month. When that happens, consider it a pleasant surprise or a bonus that month. ^_~

Thanks so much!

About Mastress Alita

I'm a fulltime librarian, a chronic migraineur, a tea addict, and an avid Simmer that writes SimLit and maintains the Stories and Legacies Index, a link directory of SimLit on Wordpress. Though I obviously love cats, I actually don't own one! (Blame my apartment lease for that!) I do have a charming old cockatiel, Kali, that has been my companion for the last seventeen years!
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3 Responses to Update

  1. cathytea says:

    Lovely schedule, and I’m excited that Teatime Tuesday has its own blog! :)

    Liked by 2 people

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