Liebster Award

Thank you so much to Socallucyfan, author of fairy tale-inspired Sims 3 legacy Once Upon a Time and TheoriesOfHappiness, author of several supernatural, horror, and mature-themed stories for Sims 4 over at Cornucopia of Simlit for nominating for a Liebster Award! I’m deeply honored that you would think of me and my humble blog!


1. Say thank you to the person who has nominated you for the award.
2. Answer the eleven questions the person has asked you.
3. Nominate people and notify them.
4. Ask the people you have nominated eleven questions.

Answers to Questions I Received

Q. If you could live anywhere in the world where would you like to be?

A. Somewhere that the barometric pressure doesn’t change often. I get awful migraines when the barometric pressure shifts, such as when rain or snow storms move in and out!

Q. What has been the craziest moment while playing the Sims?

A. Back when I was working on my yandere (think crazed obsessive stalking girlfriend that takes competition a little too far) story, the yandere in question was in the middle of getting rid of a classmate she saw as a rival and right in the middle of the murder she whipped out her phone, autonomously, and decided to “capture the moment.” I wasn’t sure if I should be disturbed or laugh hysterically… but since I’m a Slytherin, I just ended up laughing over it. Said yandere also ended up turning her back on Grimmy and giving her own disturbing chuckle… she had so much personality!

Q. Where does your inspiration come from?

A. Most of the time, I just hop into game and see what germinates. I consider the game my co-author, and like to work with it to see what it gives me, as I find the best ideas tend to spark from the little things it throws at me!

Q. What are you wearing right now (be honest)?

A. My jammies. Whenever I’m at home on my computer, I’m always wearing my PJs!

Q. What do you love most about yourself?

A. My dark sense of humor! (Should I be admitting to that?)

Q. Who is your favorite Sim that you created?

A. Cora, the yandere mentioned above!

Q. What is/was your favorite subject in school?

A. Computers! My parents divorced just before I went into highschool, I lived with my father, and my highschool computer teacher/Business Professionals of America advisor became like a mother to me, she was just the sweetest. I still see her on occassion at the library and she is still one of the sweetest ladies I know!

Q. Coffee, tea, or neither?

A. I drank coffee for years and actually do still like it, but I had to give up caffeine for a time during a “detox” to see if it was a migraine trigger for me, and during that time, I switched to herbal teas. I became obsessed with the varieties of teas available, and found that “tea-tasting” brought back the feelings of “wine-tasting”, a hobby I had to give up years ago because of my chronic migraines (alcohol is a migraine trigger for me), so I kind of got out of drinking coffee and switched to tea. Since I determined caffeine doesn’t have any effect on my head, I now try all sorts of teas! I like flavored blends of all kinds, but don’t really care for “pure” teas (except oolongs… though I like blended oolongs, too!) I even started reviewing teas on this blog starting last January, which you can read here!

Q. Favorite season?

A. Autumn. I love the cool but not cold temperature, the brisk feel in the air, the smell of the falling leaves, and the fact you can get pumpkin food!

Q. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

A. Probably all the boards that the Mongols hoard if the Mongol hordes got bored.

Q. Can you say the above question three times quickly, without messing up?

A. Depends on the day. If I’m not having a migraine, sure. Today I’m 24 hours into a migraine, and I can’t say much of anything cohesive, let alone a tongue-twister!

Q. If you could go anywhere in the world without worrying about the cost of travel or a hotel, where would you go?

A. Japan, definitely!

Q. What does the Sims mean to you? Is it something personal, or just another game?

A. It started out as just another simulation game, which is one of the genres I prefer, but when I started playing it, I was surprised to see how much it engaged me and made my mind start buzzing with creative energy about the stories being woven about these little virtual people. Now, it is a creative outlet far more than a game.

Q. Do you use custom content? If so, why?

A. Yes! Since it such a creative outlet, I like seeing the creative potential others find in it as well, whether it be stretching the game to doing interesting things, making beautiful new clothing, hairstyles, and objects, or poses that create new story potential.

Q. Which Sims game is your favorite to play, and which is your favorite for writing?

A. I’ve only ever played one Sims game, which is Sims 3.

Q. What is your favorite story that you have ever wrote?

A. Remembering Earl, a Cat Chronicles spin-off I did for Purple Day Sims in December 2015.

Q. What is your favorite Simlit story that you have ever read?

A. Hmm… it’s hard to pick a favorite, but I got into writing Simlit after I found one story in particular, which was my first, Alice and Kev, and for that, it holds a special place in my heart.

Q. What genre of music do you listen to most often when writing?

A. I actually don’t listen to any music when I write! I have to have silence when I’m writing or I find it distracting and hard to find the right words. I also just tend to keep my creative spaces on the quieter side because of my chronic migraine. I do, however, sometimes listen to on a very low setting.

Q. What is your favorite quote?

A. “If you don’t love yourself, how in the hell you gunna love somebody else?” –RuPaul

Q. Who is your favorite author (of books, not SimLit)?

A. Anne McCaffrey is my go-to. Most people will say J.K. Rowling but she came a bit after my generation (I’m old, all right?) so for me, I grew up reading Dragonriders of Pern, and I still love them! I even wrote a short story that was an homage of my love of these books, The Summer I Fell in Love. A close second is Anne Bishop, as my love of writing came from spending a year playing on a play-by-post forum based around her Black Jewels series of books, and I feel like I wouldn’t have progressed onto Simlit without that experience!

Q. Favorite number in the whole world?

A. 17! I was born on the 17th, as was my sister, so it has always been my lucky number. I will pick it for everything!

Q. What is a proverb from another language that you really connect to?

A. I don’t really have a proverb I connect to, but the Japanese have a common saying or term in their language that I love, which is “tomodachi ijou koibito miman” which means “more than friends, less than lovers.” As an asexual, I kind of live in the state of being in that place, where I often think of many friends as “more than friends, less than lovers” but find that my non-Ace American friends don’t really… have this sort of relationship in their brain? It’s like they only see “friends” or “lovers” in their world, but can’t see a place for something that can exist between the two. I love that the Japanese do.

My Nominees

With my increased update schedule since the beginning of 2017 (going to weekly chapter updates,adding Teatime Tuesday and Photo Friday, and moving the Stories and Legacies Index over to WordPress) I have had next to no time to actually sit down and read Simlit anymore. These things always require “passing the torch forward” and I feel bad that I just haven’t had the chance to actually read anything new in ages… but I’m just going to do the best I can, and you’ll have to forgive me if nominations are sparse until that magical moment happens when everything falls into place and I figure out how to balance work, producing site content, managing the Stories and Legacies Index, pain from my constant migraines, and can still find the time to sit down and do leisure reading.

As always, if a site I nominated as already received a nomination for this award by now, I certainly don’t expect anyone to have to alter their acceptance posts or answer additional questions, so please don’t feel you need to on my account!

chealsycat, Chealsycat’s YouTube Channel
Weathie, The Grand Delusion
cully_c, Dalton Anderson Official Website
GaiaHypothesis, Look What We Started
ginnymalfoy22, simsonmars Simblr
Kim, Tea is a Wish Your Heart Makes
OJenn, Simthology Simblr
ra3rei, Raerei’s Fortress
Simsophonique, Simsophonique and the Sims
Twiggy, Twiggy’s Sims Adventures

Questions For My Nominees

1. What would be the title of your autobiography?
2. You and your friends start a rock band. What are you called?
3. What flavor of ice cream best represents you?
4. Would you rather fight ten duck-sized horses, or one horse-sized duck?
5. Aliens have landed! What is your first message to them?
6. Who was your first pop culture crush?
7. Which food makes you gag?
8. What do you want to do on your first day of retirement?
9. What is your biggest pet peeve?
10. What is your favorite Halloween costume? (Or for my fellow geeks, cosplay outfit?)
11. Can you curl your tongue?

About Mastress Alita

I'm a fulltime librarian, a chronic migraineur, a tea addict, and an avid Simmer that writes SimLit and maintains the Stories and Legacies Index, a link directory of SimLit on Wordpress. Though I obviously love cats, I actually don't own one! (Blame my apartment lease for that!) I do have a charming old cockatiel, Kali, that has been my companion for the last seventeen years!
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10 Responses to Liebster Award

  1. Simsophonique says:

    Thank you for the nomination and congratulations on all the reward received by you. So well deserve for everything you’ve done for the simlit community, your kindness and your friendship.

    ha me too I am little busy so I read slowly and I didn’t post yet my next part ahaha.

    As you the game is my co-author because there are always something that happened the game tells you to right the sims are actors of what they want you to write because they told you their stories.
    I never drunk any coffees but when you taste teas , I admit you only drink that. I only like the smell and the flavour of coffee but drinking it is absolutely not possible to me.

    I am in the ace spectrum and plenty of labels can define me in a certain ways (cupio – gray- demi- recripro) my behaviour and my attraction are a mix of the 4 in reality and by my education and the culture I am I got the difference in my mind. That’s hard to deal with it. Hard to deal with it when you’re invisible and people even psy tells you when you speak about being an asexual : Love is hard.

    Liked by 2 people

    • chealsycat says:

      Yes, the game is my co-author as well. Some people hate glitches in the game, but I always use them in my stories – they make it funnier. And my sims often break the scenario written by me. ;D

      Liked by 2 people

      • I do that with glitches too; one time in my Yandere Diaries story when the parents were on a free vacation they glitched out and came home early but that made for a very interesting scenerio! They were *so* mad to see the party their son was having, hahaha!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Simsophonique says:

        I like glitches as well I got one recently with a save for gameplay and for my short story it makes me scared ahahah , the driver of the taxi drives it standing up but I don’t use them for my story at all. I think ts3 is the best game for storytelling because it opens so much possibilities. With others sims games I am very stuck sometimes.

        If glitches are useful for your story, why not using them everything is good in the sims.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. chealsycat says:

    Congratulations on this very deserved award, Sara! And thank you very much for the nomination! <3
    I'm not asexual, but I also have some “more than friends, less than lovers.” Not a lot – there can't be many of them. But I really love them. It's different from my love to hubby (my only lover). But it's also a strong feeling.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congratulations! :)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Twiggy says:

    Congratulations, Sara! I’m so sorry I missed this before. Like you, I haven’t had the time to get to reading simlit as much as I would like to. I miss Shadow and will visit him again soon ;) I’m trying to keep up with writing my prettacy tho :) I’m happy you among other readers make this worthwhile. It feels good to see my story is captivating enough and therefore a huge thank you for nominating me for the Liebster! I’ll get to writing my acceptance soon. Big hugs <3 Sanne

    Liked by 1 person

    • Right now I feel so behind in everything I’m taking the month off of posting content so I can try to produce content that will go up next month so I can try to build back up a queue. Until I reach a point where I feel like I’m ahead instead of perpetually behind I don’t know when I’ll be able to reintroduce reading into my schedule… A lot of things happened (migraines, moving the Stories and Legacies index to WordPress) that borked my schedule and I’m still trying to find the balance I need so badly.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Twiggy says:

        Don’t beat yourself up over it, tho. Finding a balance that works for you is much more important than keeping caught up with other stories than your own life, hun. Take care!

        Liked by 1 person

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